Learn how energy transmission works.
Have you ever felt like being depleted of energy when with a person? A bad vibe often surrounds this experience.
According to science, everything is energy and humans are no exception to this rule. In other words, people are also subject to energy transformations.
The University of Bielefeld, Germany carried out research showing that plants can absorb energy from other plants. The study, led by the German biologist Olaf Kruse, examined energy behavior in algae, particularly in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The results, published on Naturesite.com, revealed that this plant has another source of energy in addition to photosynthesis – energy absorbed from other algae.
The science that studies energy behavior in living things is called bioenergetics.
According to Olivia Bader-Lee, a physician and therapist, who followed the results of this investigation, our bodies behave like sponges, absorbing energy that surrounds us. “This is exactly why there are people who feel uncomfortable when they are in a certain group with a mixture of energy and emotions.”
Energy Transmission in Plants and Humans
She explains, “The human body is very similar to a plant that sucks, absorbs the energy needed to feed your emotional state, and can energize the cells and increase the amount of cortisol and catabolize, feed the cells depending on the emotional need.”
This is a major reason why people are subject to mood swings making them feel nervous, stressed, angry, anxious, sad, but also happy, optimistic and amused.
As reported by Bader-Lee, man has lost this important connection with nature over the centuries. She also believes that this exchange of energy could be extremely beneficial for humanity in general.
Taken that a spirit is also energy, paranormal phenomena are nothing but expressions of different energies.
Despite the fact that every ancient nation was well aware of this phenomenon, science has somehow chosen to ignore the issue. There are barely a handful of scientists at present who can tackle this issue, with the majority of their fellow colleagues still ignoring it for fear of criticism and rejection by the scientific community.
First published on OCTOBER 10, 2016 at peacefulcentury.net
Want to learn how to manage your ability to absorb energies?
Many people who are gifted with psychic abilities are extremely sensitive to others energies. I am often asked the question, “How can a person continue to be sensitive but not pick up others’ energies? It’s exhausting and sometimes a real downer!”
Jill Leigh, Director and lead teacher at Energy Healing Institute gives a dynamite course on “ Grounding for Empaths” . It offers practical tools to calibrate your energy field so you are not overly influenced by others’ energies. More info on https://courses.imhu.org/courses/chakra-grounding-for-empaths
Psychiatrist Pam Shervanick and Emma Bragdon, PhD, Executive Director of IMHU.org, have created a course called 12 Strategies for Success for Empaths. Click HERE for info
I’ve recently discovered that I am able to absorb energy and especially pain from other people.
I’m able to detect emotions and feelings hidden in their subconscious.
I am able to absorb the pain and release it after a while. The person usually feels lighter and a little better. I can feel their pain exactly where they have it and experience how it feels to them.
I’d like to learn how to control this.
Hi Roma, Thanks for your comment. If you want to learn how to control your gift you might consider taking the course mentioned by Jill Leigh: Grounding for Empaths. https://imhu.org/product/grounding Best wishes, Emma
I’ve been suspicious about myself lately.
There was this one time when I went out with some other boy,we never slept for some day’s or eaten a proper meal.
When I come home hungry, instead of feeling sleepy I feel like I’m energized but then it came to my realisation that every one at home is feeling sleepy though they have done no heavy work.
It was like I absorbed their energy