AnotherSelf AnotherSelf is a series of one hour shorts in 8 Episodes/ 2 seasons which has made a big hit internationally. It was just released in late July, 2024 in the USA via Netflix.
Psychiatry’s Acceptance of Spiritual Phenomena “Western civilization is unique in history in its failure to recognize each human being as a subtle energy system in constant relationship to a vast sea of energies
FDA Rejects Application to Accept MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy We are living in a mental health crisis that has reached a critical level with more than 350 million people living with PTSD worldwide. Fortunately, a tool exists
Emergence Phenomena: Opening the Dialogue The experiences individuals have as a result of “spiritual emergence” are many and simple categories often miss the subtle differences that are important to acknowledge. Especially if someone is a
Roshi Joan Halifax HOPE and Healing Click on the following link for a 35 minute podcast on Finding Hope in Dark Times. Surveys show feelings of sadness and despair peaked in 2023. So, as
Kundalini-Normalized Brent Spirit (above) is the Founder of This not-for-profit org offers a lot of free, grounded information, including a podcast about Kundalini. Brent understands that some people start their journey of awakening
9 minute video with Kylea Taylor Kylea Taylor: An Introduction In the above video Kylea Taylor, LMFT, speaks about how she came to create her course, InnerEthics® and what a student can learn from
Will Hall, M.A. Will Hall: Speaking About Ethics Will Hall, M.A, is a counselor and facilitator working with individuals, couples and groups. He is currently a PhD Candidate at Maastricht University Medical Center –
IMHU Future IMHU is celebrating our 11th year anniversary on May 11, 2024. We want to share the path ahead. We invite you to also share your interests so we can add your comments
NAMI was founded in 1977. They offer support groups and education for free to all touched by mental health issues. Currently one in five people in the USA suffer from a mental health issue–NAMI