The Dalai Lama’s vision for our world sees us each take
action in our own way
in six specific arenas:
Social Justice: Countering the
forces that keep corruption,
collusion, and social injustice in place and replacing them with
transparency, fairness, and accountability throughout the public sphere.
This may mean forceful action, and an ethical upgrade in
business and religious life.
Economics: The widening gap between rich and poor
requires a more
equitable distribution of resources and rethinking the basis for a
fulfilled and satisfying life – and finding more creative ways
that business can do good, not just well.
Service: Helping those in need, while also
empowering them to help
themselves. The mandate to help means not just handouts, but also
providing the means for the poor, the ill, and those in dire need
improve their condition with dignity and confidence.
Environment: Healing the planet’s wounds and making
visible the links
between our material world, our habits and the systems that
life. Surfacing these hidden links requires a deep understanding
of the micro- and macro-level consequences of daily human
activities, ranging from construction to commerce.
World Peace: Replacing conflict, war, and intergroup
with dialogue and connection. This long-term approach to keeping
peace would one day see conflicts resolved through talk, not
It goes hand in hand with an end to seeing other groups as the
In the realization that “they” are really
Education: Schooling the heart, so children grow up
with the social
and emotional tools to heal the world’s wounds. Such an education
would cultivate inner tools for self-mastery, empathic concern
and living in tune with human values.
– Dalai Lama –
Excerpted from an article by Daniel Goleman in ‘Lion’s Roar‘, dated July 2017
IMHU is a not for profit educational organization supporting a paradigm of effective mental healthcare that goes beyond the limitations of psychiatric medications. We offer more than 27 online presentations online. We have a Directory of Spiritual Emergence Coaches available to support those in spiritual emergence. Our goal is to offer this service to anyone who can connect with us online.