The above clip from “Spiritism: Bridging Spirituality and Health” shows you a renowned psychiatrist, Daniel Benor, shifting from non-believer to support the wisdom of Spiritist Hospitals.*
Psychiatric medications are not fulfilling their promise to heal those with mental disturbances. Are you personally and professionally distressed because you don’t know what you can offer that is effective? Are you willing to look into other cultures?
This live seminar will open your mind to viable alternatives that have been cultivated in Brazil for more than 100 years! Spiritist hospitals have a positive track record we can learn from…and bring back home to our communities. Plus you can receive 35 continuing eduation credits (CE/CME) for attending.
QUESTIONS? CONTACT [email protected]

What Happens on these Seminars in Brazil?
This trip is UNIQUE–no one else outside of Brazil has been authorized to lead such trips!
Once a year Dr. Bragdon and her Brazilian associates facilitate small groups of international healthcare professionals to learn about the paradigm of care offered in Spiritist Hospitals and Community Centers. These Centers have a positive track record for effective spiritual healing that dates back to the late 1800s. The groups meet and speak with leaders in Spiritism who are MDs and PhDs, all conventionally trained and licensed. This includes the President of a Spiritist Psychiatric Hospital, a psychiatrist. We explore the theory of Spiritist interventions. We watch and personally experience the practices of Spiritist Community Centers and Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals in Brazil. We learn how to do the energy healing.
What You Discover
This amazing integrative wellness paradigm that Spiritists have developed in Brazil attends to body, mind and spirit (with the belief in reincarnation and karma). You find what you would hope to find: wholesome food, physical education, art therapy, group therapy, individual counseling, etc. AND, you observe up close (and experience if you wish) how they also integrate Spiritist Treatments into their program. The hospitals and centers have outstanding outcomes–better than what we have in the USA and Europe.

These Spiritist centers have many healers and mediums who work harmoniously together in small groups to facilitate healing.
The centers and hospitals also offer classes to help individuals recover physical and mental health, encourage inner transformation, train mediums and healers, become peer support for each other, donate to others who are less privileges through charitable works (like a soup kitchen) and support spiritual evolution.
That is a FREE service!
We Have Fun Networking
Participants also have fun! Including time to relax, eat great food, and explore Brazil by going to an eco-center with a pristine forest and super clean river for swimming. Conversations around the table are stimulating and the visits we make to the Spiritist Hospitals and Community Centers, meeting and learning from Brazilian psychiatrists and mediums is very exciting. International networking with health providers with similar interests has been fruitful for everyone!
We encourage health professionals (and students of these professions) to bring what they learn from these trips back home to improve our ailing health care systems outside of Brazil. The Spiritist hospitals and community centers have much to offer us. In exchange, the tours donate financial support to the not for profit organizations that share expertise via qualified teachers on these trips.
[su_row class=”border-box”][su_column size=”1/1″]Click here for detailed itinerary, and click here for registration and payment information for these seminars.[/su_column][/su_row]
What previous participants on the trip say:
[su_row][su_column size=”1/1″]
Hear Bev Greaney, a mental health nurse, describe her experience in a short video:
[su_vimeo url=”″] [/su_column][/su_row][su_row][su_column size=”1/1″]
“Dr. Bragdon skillfully prepares you for an experience that without her guidance, would be mediocre at best. As your personal guide, her tour guarantees a wonderful experience with mediumship as practiced in Brazil.”
—John L. Turner, MD, Neurosurgeon, Author: Medicine, Miracles and Manifestations[/su_column][/su_row][su_row][su_column size=”1/1″]
Watch an MD from Canada describe her experience in a short video:
[su_vimeo url=”″] [/su_column][/su_row][su_row][su_column size=”1/1″]
“For a guide on this journey, I highly recommend Emma Bragdon. She has solid professional credentials and many years of impressive work as a scholar. Emma has a great personality and she creates many rich opportunities which would be completely unavailable to those with less knowledgeable, experienced, and insightful guides.”
—Karen Ziegler, MSN, MDiv, DMin, Nurse Practitioner; Faculty, Duke U. School of Medicine[/su_column][/su_row]
About the Facilitator, Emma Bragdon
Dr. Bragdon is the Founder and Executive Director of IMHU. She was honored to become the (one and only) Ambassador of one of the best and largest Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals. Clearly, they trust her understanding of Spiritism and the Spiritist treatments, and know she can thus guide people appropriately who come from outside Brazil. Her research, publishing and film production has been sponsored by generous donors including Laurance Rockefeller and the Marion Foundation.
From Spring, 2001-Spring 2012, Emma took small groups to visit John of God’s center in Brazil 4-5 times a year–60 groups in all. She is respected as a psychotherapist, spiritual guide, author, researcher, and highly trained medium. Emma took time to visit Spiritist Hospitals and Centers all over the country while in Brazil 6 months of each year for 12 years. She has written several books about Spiritism (click here for more info) and co-produced two films on topics related to spirituality and health. The clip you can see above is from one of the films she co-produced, Spiritism: Bridging Spirituality and Health
She says, “Working in these sanctuaries of healing continues to be a profound teacher for me. By being part of the communities, I continue to be introduced to many Spiritist leaders. At their invitation I have been allowed to spend lengths of time observing and in some ways participating in the activities inside the hospitals. It’s been beyond words in terms of showing me the pinnacle of human potential as it comes to healing. It is a privilege to now take other interested healthcare providers to learn from these wonderful people and their healing communities.”
Spiritist Hospitals in Brazil
There are about 13,000 other Spiritist Centers and 50 Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals in Brazil! There are NO Spiritist Psychiatric hospitals outside Brazil. Although the Spiritist Centers are generally open to tourists, the hospitals are NOT (the same is true in countries outside Brazil, i.e. no tourists in psychiatric hospitals).
How Can I Learn More About Spiritist Hospitals and the Paradigm of Care They Use?
Producers of the 2017 film, “CrazyWise” (winner of 9 awards) interviewed Emma Bragdon in October, 2014 and documented the seminar for health providers visiting Brazil. This vid on tells a bit about Dr. Bragdon’s personal story and what she finds important about Spiritist treatments. This vid gives excerpts from a participant on a prior trip. Several articles have been published: here’s one from In 2014 Audio-Digest chose Bragdon’s key note talk at ACISTE’s annual conference for distribution. It’s on the subject of Brazilian Spiritism and titled “Compassionate Care and Spiritually Transformative Experiences.”
[su_row class=”border-box”][su_column size=”1/1″]Click here for detailed itinerary, and click here for registration and payment information for these special, unique trips![/su_column][/su_row]
Thanks for your interest!
*The complete 30 min documentary film can be purchased on You can view it on Vimeo by clicking HERE.