
  1. This is so exciting. I am reading this as a newly certified energy healer inspired to work in mental health facilities. I have been inpatient four times in my life. I also have had friends who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar, etc. One friend took his own life. One passed away from a heart attack. I always believed if only they could have had a shaman in their life to guide them through what I saw as a spiritual precipice of realizing their incredible power of healing.

    It wasn’t until I started going through my spiritual awakening that I understood why I was cutting myself. And I was able to love myself out of it.

    We can’t just address the brain. We can’t just address the body. We also need to address the spirit. It’s why we came here. To wake up. We agreed to forget so that we could remember, and that remembering is so awesome!

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