9 minute video with Kylea Taylor
Kylea Taylor: An Introduction
In the above video Kylea Taylor, LMFT, speaks about how she came to create her course, InnerEthics® and what a student can learn from it.
IMHU is honored to host this course as we feel it is essential for all those holding space for a participant in therapies that involve extraordinary states of consciousness. All of our active Spiritual Emergence Coaches took the course in 2023 and gave rave reviews for the content and delivery of the materials.
Kylea Taylor: Background
Kylea was trained by Stanislav Grof, MD, and assisted him in many of his public offerings with breathwork with hundreds of people. This meant she helped those learning to be guides/ sitters to others doing the transformational breathwork and also assisted during the training of breathworkers who were to be certified by Dr. Grof.
Dr. Grof and his wife, Christina, coined the phrases “Spiritual Emergence” (the process of awakening) and Spiritual Emergency (a crisis that may happen as part of the process of awakening). Dr. Grof is one of the originators of “Transpersonal Psychology”. He was also in on the ground floor of research in the positive potential of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Thus, Dr. Grof has an expansive view of working with extraordinary states of consciousness via sitting with people taking psychedelics or holding space for transformational breathwork.
Link to InnerEthics at IMHU
The course on InnerEthics® at IMHU is comprised of two hour-long pre-recorded presentations with Kylea, and a booklet with written materials that expand on the presentations. The written materials facilitate ease of practical use for therapists working in clinical settings. Students also have access to bonus materials: two interviews with experts in the field, Susana Bustos, PhD, and Will Hall, MA. These interviews tell personal stories of abuses that can happen within psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and training. They also give an overview and analysis of ethical concerns within the worlds of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy that underscore the need for a strong ethical base.
LINK HERE for access to more information and registration.