Top Courses Supporting Awakening
IMHU has a roster of 40+ courses. These are the most popular:
- FREE Spiritual Emergency: What is it?
- FREE Psychosis: What is it?
These two brief courses above help discern the difference between psychosis and spiritual emergency.
- FREE Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Learn about the legal form of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.
Top Courses That Are FEE-based -CEs are available for Healthcare Providers
- How to Effectively Support Someone in Spiritual Emergency
For healthcare providers and those with lived experience and their carers.
- Practicum: Learn Skills for Effective Management of Spiritual Crisis
For healthcare provider and those with lived experience who want to support others.
- Spiritual Emergence Coach Bundle
(Get a discount for buying the two courses above in a bundle)
- Kundalini, BioEnergy and Awakening
Learn skills to manage physical manifestations of deep seated energy in the body.
- Spiritist Therapies
Theory and Practice of a Well-Developed Transcultural Paradigm of Mental Healthcare in Brazil –Listen to psychiatrists and spiritual healers from Brazil who work together in psychiatric hospitals and community centers.
- Psychedelic Medicine: Is It Good?
Learn risks and benefits–and why there is so much positive potential.
- Nutrition, Micro-nutrients and Mental Health
A licensed psychiatrist explains the positive potential of food and supplements to maintain mental health.