Comments (3)

  1. John Brady says:

    The article stirs up a desire to respond, so I’ll attempt to answer the prompts even if it’s in a round about way 🙂

    Words are like tools, we choose what to do with them. How terms like “moral injury” work are dependent on the interpreter. I might say, “that’s a good term” and then watch somebody bend the meaning of the word as if they were creating a balloon animal! So it seems like a good term, but I’m reluctant to say.

    I witness my own ascension as having learned to make better choices, create better meanings. Words and even experiences, on their own, can go either way. This is and always will be the dualistic nature of a world in which we temporarily find ourselves and supposedly volunteer to come here. Though lately I seem to grapple with that latter part. Did I really choose this? Beyond the scope here, lol!

    I’ll plan look into the book as it’s got my interest. Thanks for the article.

  2. MR says:

    Wonderful article, very thought-provoking. Glad that Joshua Mantz’ inner journey and his inner light led him to find answers. In some ways, I think peers are best able to assess these situations; yet all peers do not seek spiritual growth as a solution. I tend to think moral injury would definitely be an existential crisis and could be a stepping stone to major spiritual growth. Dealing with a moral injury is a heavy burden to manage alone, yet not all in counseling have the ability to offer trustworthy guidance that can bring healing (they may have concepts/words, but not experience of the type of rift or betrayal of social contract). Also it seems that many in military, veterans, police, etc see more than their share of the darkness in our human souls… and as a society our ability to truly transform this is sadly lagging. Very glad you and others are bringing light and solutions.

  3. Melinda says:

    Thank you for this great article. I have not heard of moral injury and it was a relief to find words to what I have experienced. Since coming out of a spiritual emergency, where it was halted by psychiatric intervention, my way through was therapy, while I dropped my decades long growth in yoga, meditation and deep spiritual work.
    I still question whether I dropped them because I am scared of the dimensions I experienced and the subsequent isolation due to not feeling understood?
    Or the fear of further moral injury?
    Yes to that.
    This article brings further questioning which is good.

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