Energy Work Promotes Health
“There is now substantial medical evidence that vibrations can have profound effects on the human body. Given that matter is really a wave structure of space this is hardly surprising.”–Geoff Haselhurst
Practitioners in various modalities choose to integrate energy healing into their work because of the ubiquitous nature of energy as root cause of all disease, illness, mental, emotional and spiritual issues.
Energy is causative. Can a tree, bird, chair or person exist without energy? No. Not possible at all. Neither can an illness or disease, emotional or mental blockage or issue.
At the end of the day, everything is energy!
Energy Work
- When a bodywork practitioner releases a tight area in the body, there’s frequently an emotional release that accompanies the physical opening. The tight area of the body stored the emotional energy, which was then released, flooding the client’s emotional field. It’s a release of somatized emotion..
- When unable to loosen a tight area, the bodywork practitioner knows that the client would let go if the somatized emotional energy could be released. Releasing the emotional energy and integrating energy healing techniques creates space and access to the locked down fascia, muscles, tendons or ligaments.
- Practitioners treating chronic, serious illness recognize the correlation between the illness and unresolved emotional trauma. Full resolution of the illness can be inhibited, stalled or slowed until the trauma is acknowledged, addressed and cleared.
- Psychologists, social workers, mental health counselors frequently describe their frustration and helplessness when their clients intellectually understand the ineffectiveness of their behaviors yet remain unable to operate differently. The client needs tools and skills to resolve the stuck energetic pattern that the intellect is unable to override.
“…Resonance—another word for synchronized vibrations—is at the heart of not only human consciousness but of physical reality more generally.” -Tam Hunt in Scientific American?
Author: Jill Leigh is the Director of the Energy Healing Institute of Portland, Oregon. She is a master teacher of teachers with decades of experience as a practitioner and teacher.
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