Pam Gregory (above) has a dedicated following of thousands and, in this short 15 min vid, she offers a way for each one of us to connect and provide our energies in charting a course to a “New Earth”.
Are you asking yourself “What can I do to usher in an improvement to the way we live on earth?” You may be aware that where we put our attention, i.c., what we think about, is more likely to manifest. So, if we put our attention on terrible darkness, we are adding the energy for it to continue to manifest. Conversely, if we put our attention on a vision of a positive future for everyone on earth–that is more likely to manifest.
Pam does not advocate that we pretend for a moment that there are no great difficulties now and many are suffering. Helping in any way we can is good! Lend a hand. Send money. Do what you can. That said, it’s essential that we don’t just focus on the darkness or chaos…but put some concentrated attention, each day, on what we would prefer to have in our world.
As she says, there is nothing to pay…no zoom link to go to…what is being offered is a time to focus with others on a new vision, which she calls “The New Earth”. You can read more about the New Earth in a book with that title written by Eckhart Tolle, but that read is not necessary in order to participate. We can simply envision a world where there is more love, more compassion, more respect for interdependence, more respect for the Earth itself.
I’ve found participating in the way she suggests to be very uplifting. I hope you will, as well.
If you are drawn to Pam Gregory’s work, I recommend her insights into 2025. She is an exceptional astrologer and is interviewed about her predictions and overview for 2025 HERE.