Supporting Evolution Evolution of humanity is being supported by the two men above who are both articulate elders, coming from deep student of mystic traditions as well as profound perspective on our modern day.
NAMI was founded in 1977. They offer support groups and education for free to all touched by mental health issues. Currently one in five people in the USA suffer from a mental health issue–NAMI
Antidepressants & Mass Murder 2.5 min video by Peter Goetzche, a brilliant MD/researcher, on risks of psychiatric medications for adults and youth Antidepressants and Other Psychiatric Drugs Psychiatric drugs are mind altering chemicals designed
ACE – Adverse Childhood Experiences There is well-documented and extensively researched predictor for the severity of chronic illnesses called ACE, or Adverse Childhood Experiences. The scoring system consists of 10 questions that explore dysfunction in
Improving Mental Health Outcomes: September, 2023 Report The mental health system’s standard treatments are colossally counterproductive and harmful, often forced on unwilling patients. The overreliance on psychiatric drugs is reducing the recovery rate of people
Psychedelic Science June 19-23, 2023, the largest psychedelic conference in history on Psychedelic Science, sponsored by Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), was attended by more than 12,000 people in Denver, CO. You can
A Cherokee Man Indigenous culture has been translated into “A New Psychology Based on Community, Equality, and Care of the Earth” by an award-winning, Amer-Indian psychologist, Arthur W. Blume, PhD. The book was published
Drug withdrawal is an important topic today. This new book is an international collaboration that includes users, psychiatrists, researchers, and academics committed to helping people understand the potential harm that prescribed psychotropic drugs can cause
The Effects of Collective Trauma Is our society sick? …[Gabor Mate, MD, writes in The Myth of Normal that normal mental health is a myth because our society is not healthy.] Has our society
There are communities in which hearing voices frequently is common and expected, and in which participants are not expected to have a need for care. This paper compares the ideas and practices of these communities.