An Archive of Resources for Spiritual Emergence
and Emergency — Six Sections

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For People Working Their Way Through Disruptive & Spiritually-challenging Experiences


  • Alexander, E (2012). Proof of Heaven: A neurosurgeon’s journey into the afterlife. Simon & Schuster.
  • Bragdon, E (2006). A Sourcebook for Helping People with Spiritual Problems. Lightning Up Press.
  • Greenwell, B (1995). Energies of Transformation: A guide to the kundalini process. Shakti River Press.
  • Grof, C & Grof, S (1990). The Stormy Search for the Self: A guide to personal growth through transformational crisis. Tarcher/Perigee.
  • Hughes, J (2021).The Wisdom of Mental Illness: Shamanism, mental health & the renewal of the world. Watkins Publishing.
  • Kason, Y (2008).Farther Shores: Exploring how near-death, kundalini and mystical experiences can transform ordinary lives. iUniverse.


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For General Audiences and Undergraduate-Level Researchers


  • Aron, EN (2013).The Highly Sensitive Person: How to thrive when the world overwhelms you. Kensington Publishing Corp.
  • Evans, J, & Read, T (Eds) (2020).Breaking Open: Finding a way through spiritual emergencies. Aeon Books.
  • Evans, J (2017).The Art of Losing Control: A philosopher's search for ecstatic experience. Canongate Books.
  • Goldberg, P (2010). American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to yoga and meditation: How Indian spirituality changed the West. Three Rivers Press.
  • Grof, S & Grof, C (1989). Spiritual Emergency: When personal transformation becomes a crisis. Tarcher/Putnam.
  • Harner, M (1990). The Way of the Shaman. Harper One.
  • Kornfield, J (2002).A Path with Heart: The classic guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life. Random House.
  • Mack, J (1994). Abduction: Human encounters with aliens. Scribner.
  • Maté, G (2022). The Myth of Normal: Trauma, illness & healing in a toxic culture.
  • McCabe, I (2015). Carl Jung and Alcoholics Anonymous: The Twelve Steps as a spiritual journey of individuation.
  • Maslow, AH (1962). Toward a Psychology of Being. D. Van Nostrand Company.
  • Masters, RA (2010). Spiritual Bypassing: When spirituality disconnects us from what really matters. North Atlantic Books.
  • Miller, L (2021). The Awakened Brain: The new science of spirituality and our quest for an inspired life. Random House.
  • Myss, C (1996). Anatomy of the Spirit: The seven stages of power and healing. Harmony.
  • Ruppert, F (2019). Who Am I in a Traumatized and Traumatizing Society? Green Balloon Publishing.
  • Tolle, E (2004)The Power of Now: A guide to spiritual enlightenment. New World Library.
  • Yaden, DB, & Newberg, A (2022). The Varieties of Spiritual Experience: 21st century research and perspectives. Oxford University Press


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For Healthcare Professionals and Professionals-In-Training


  • Blume, AW (2020). A New Psychology Based on Community, Equality, and Care of the Earth. Praeger
  • Cook, C, Powell, A, Sims, A (Eds) (2009) Spirituality and Psychiatry. RCPsych Publications
  • Edwards, L (2013). Awakening Kundalini: The path to radical freedom. Sounds True. 
  • Luhrmann, TM (2011).Of Two Minds: An anthropologist looks at American psychiatry. Vintage.
  • Moreira-Almeida, A, Mosqueiro, BP, Bhugra, D (2021). Spirituality and Mental Health Across Cultures. Oxford University Press.
  • NiaNia, W, Bush, A, & Epston, D (2016).Collaborative and Indigenous Mental Health Therapy: T?taihono–stories of M?ori healing and psychiatry. Taylor & Francis.
  • Powell, A (2018). Conversations with the Soul: A psychiatrist reflects. Muswell Hill Press.
  • Read, T (2019).Walking Shadows: Archetype and psyche in crisis and growth. Aeon Books.
  • Sandilands, O., & Ingram, D. M. (2024)Documenting and Defining Emergent Phenomenology: Theoretical Foundations for an Extensive Research Strategy. Frontiers in Psychology15, 1340335. 
  • Taylor, K (2017). The Ethics of Caring: Finding right relationship with clients for profound transformative work in our professional healing relationships. Hanford Mead.
  • Vieten, C, Scammell, S, Pilato, R, Ammondson, I, Pargament, KI, & Lukoff, D (2013). Spiritual and Religious Competencies for Psychologists.Psychology of Religion and Spirituality5(3), 129.
  • Wagner, C. (2016).Choices in Recovery: 27 non-drug approaches for adult mental health. Onward Mental Health Press.
  • Wollacott, M; Lorimer, D (Eds) (2022). Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and academics describe their experiences. AAPS.
  • Yusim, A. (2017). Fulfilled: How the science of spirituality can help you live a happier, more meaningful life. Grand Central Publishing.


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For Graduate and Postgraduate-Level Researchers


  • Aixala,M (2022). Psychedelic Integration: Psychotherapy for non-ordinary states of consciousness. Santa Fe, NM: Synergetic Press.
  • American Psychiatric Association (Eds) (1994 & 2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. APA,
  • Bragdon, E (Ed.) (2012). Spiritism and Mental Health. Singing Dragon.
  • Clarke, I (Ed.) (2010). Psychosis and Spirituality: Consolidating the new paradigm.
  • Cook, CC (2019).Hearing Voices, Demonic and Divine. Taylor & Francis.
  • Garson, J (2022).Madness: A philosophical exploration. Oxford University Press.
  • James, W (1985). The Varieties of Religious Experience. Harvard University Press.
  • Kripal, JJ (2008).Esalen: America and the religion of no religion. University of Chicago Press.
  • Perry, JW (1999). Trials of the Visionary Mind: Spiritual emergency and the renewal process.
  • Saville-Smith, R (2023).Acute Religious Experiences: Madness, psychosis and religious studies. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Spittles, B (2022). Psychosis, Psychiatry and Psychospiritual Considerations: Engaging and better understanding the madness and spiritual emergence nexus. Stylus Publishing.
  • Taves, A (2020).Fits, Trances, and Visions: Experiencing religion and explaining experience from Wesley to James. Princeton University Press.
  • Tobert, N (2014). Spiritual Psychiatries: Mental health practices in India and UK. CreateSpace.
  • Woods, A, Alderson-Day, B, & Fernyhough, C (Eds) (2022).Voices in Psychosis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
  • Yukteswar Giri, SS (1990). The Holy Science. Self-Realization Fellowship.


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Support for Young People

  • Miller, L (2016). The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving. Picador.
  • Tadd, E (2022). A Framework for Wise Education: Chakras and child development. Montague Press.
  • Thomas, DM (2023). Children's Unexplained Experiences in a Post Materialist World. Essentia.

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Notable Archives at Other Organizations

Please note that we are not in a position to formally endorse the following organizations, as organizations and their staff change over time. See also our list of aligned organizations.

  • Blossom – Up-to-date information about psychedelic science and therapy.
  • Cheetah House: An exhaustive list of resources for recovering from, and reducing, adversities resulting from meditation practices.
  • Ecstatic Integration – Extensive newsletter aiming to improve Western culture’s ecstatic literacy, with a special focus on adverse psychedelic experiences.
  • Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium - Conducts studies into ‘emergent phenomena’, with the aim of generating clinically-relevant and cross-cultural information and guidance.  EPRC has an Archive  that is particularly useful to those doing research on phenomena related to spiritual emergence.
  • Institute for Mystical Experience Research & Education signposts to a series of resources on mysticism and the mystical experience.
  • International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis – promotes psychological and social approaches to states of mind often called "psychosis" by providing education, training, advocacy and opportunities for dialogue.
  • International Spiritual Emergence Network – Offering information and referrals to Spiritual Emergence networks around the world at no cost.
  • Intervoice – Charity supporting the international hearing voices movement, with links to national hearing voices networks and local peer support groups.
  • Rethink Psychosis – A hub designed to disseminate experiencer-led resources and knowledge around psychosis and related experiences.
  • James Lake MD’s book series – A clear and articulate voice for alternative and integrative treatments in mental health care.
  • Scientific & Medical Network: Brings together a variety of professionals, in a spirit of open and critical enquiry, to explore the interfaces between science, consciousness, wellbeing and spirituality.
  • Spiritual Competency Academy, Directed by David Lukoff and Cassandra Vieten. Offers courses in spiritual competency to mental health professionals


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