aligned organizations

Common goals

IMHU appreciates what the following orgs are doing!  We also look forward to continued mutual recognition and support of our independent endeavors. We are independent entities. IMHU believes we are working together towards the same goal — a beneficial change in the way mental healthcare services are perceived and given that offers skillful diagnosis and treatment based on sophisticated knowledge of spiritual phenomena. We are pulling for a more integrative approach.

IMHU does not have legal or financial ties with most of the organizations listed. We do have an affiliate agreement with Safe Harbor.


Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine 

AIHM is the world’s only member-centric organization that educates and certifies healthcare professionals in integrative health and medicine to assure exemplary holistic care. They use high quality evidence based research, treatment science, and healing practices. They combine science with compassion to transform health and medical care.The AIHM may become the world’s largest platform for the practice of integrative medicine. Learn more

Alef Trust

In the UK, Alef Trust promotes holistic frameworks for human growth.  In offers Certificates for Transpersonal Psychology Coaches as well as Psychedelics and Altered States and Transpersonal Psychology Certificates.  Partnering with Liverpool John Moores University it also offers accredited MSc, and PhD. Learn more

American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine

Their mission is to address the integration needs and further the well-being of those who have had near-death or similar spiritually transformative experiences through research, education and support. Learn more

American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences

Their mission is to address the integration needs and further the well-being of those who have had near-death or similar spiritually transformative experiences through research, education and support. Learn more

Center for Spirituality and Healing

Aligned with the University of Minnesota’s mission of education, research and service, the Center is a pioneer in forging new paths for inter-professional education and research – breaking down silos and disciplinary boundaries. Their  diverse and multidisciplinary faculty strive to advance health and wellbeing around the world. Learn more

The Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, Education and Living 

This center is a charitable organization founded by Peter R. Breggin MD for those who want to raise ethical and scientific standards in psychology and psychiatry. Learn more

Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry 

The Council communicates evidence of the potentially harmful effects of psychiatric drugs to the people and institutions in the UK that can make a difference. Learn more

Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium

This consortium .is a not for profit, American organization dedicated to research and education about experiences associated with spiritual awakening.  It seeks to bring greater awareness to these phenomena amongst healthcare providers who are called upon to skillfully recognize these phenomena, differentiate them from mental disturbances, and support intelligent management. Learn more


Etermea's goal is to help create a better future for Earth and its inhabitants by promoting an understanding of seven postulates concerning the nature of reality, predicated on evidence from contemporary research in science and medicine suggesting that some core aspect of consciousness exists beyond the brain, survives bodily death and continues eternally. Learn more

EXPLORE: The Journal of Science & Healing

Explore addresses the scientific principles behind, and applications of, evidence-based healing practices from a wide variety of sources, including conventional, alternative, and cross-cultural medicine. Learn more

Families Healing Together

Families Healing together provides a mental health course—interactive and online—that helps individuals and families transform and heal from the emotional distress associated with trauma and challenges that may be associated with diagnoses such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar, anxiety and other disorders. Learn more

The Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care 

This foundation is the international community ‘development bank’ connecting today’s top researchers with the passion of private philanthropy to bring recovery practices to every community. Learn more

Grof Legacy Training

Grof Legacy Training authorizes qualified teachers worldwide to represent the Grof® work and legacy. Learn more

International Journal of Healing and Caring

The International Journal of Healing and Caring offers the latest information on wholistic healing education, research and practice. Learn more

International Network of Integrative Mental Health

INIMH’s groundbreaking website offers clinicians, researchers and consumers easy online access to a comprehensive, searchable library on all areas of integrative mental healthcare, as well as expert-hosted forums, links to additional resources and networking connections between healthcare practitioners and the public. Learn more

The International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry 

ISEPP is an organization of people who find, study, use and promote safe, humane and life-enhancing approaches to help people who are experiencing emotional distress, life crises, difficult dilemmas, spiritual emergencies and other forms of overwhelm and who, due to those experiences, are diagnosed with mental disorders. Learn more

International Spiritual Emergence Network

They provide a collaborative platform that connects networks around the world that offer compassionate support to those who understand their experiences to be a spiritual crisis rather than a mental illness, raising awareness of a non-pathological integral framework within the mental health field. Learn more

Kundalini Awareness

We aim to further legitimize Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence phenomena within the scientific community through rational discussion, research, networking, training, and education. Learn more

La Maida Institute

La Maida Institute's mission is to offer a new way of approaching health; where the human experience, communal support, and spiritual development are central to the healing process. Learn more

Mad in America

Mad in America serves as a resource and a community for those interested in rethinking psychiatric care in the United States and abroad by providing readers with news, personal stories, access to source documents, and informed blogs. Learn more

Marion Institute

Marion Institute works with individuals, schools and communities to inspire change in the areas of health and healing, sustainability, green economics, environmental education, spirituality and much more. Learn more

National Empowerment Center

National Empowerment Center helps individuals and groups develop the knowledge and ability to transform the mental health service system toward a more recovery-oriented and consumer-and family-driven approach. Learn more

Opus Network

Their mission is to educate and support people having unusual /anomalous personal experiences. Such experiences may include extraordinary states of consciousness, spiritual or parapsychological phenomenon, close encounters with non-human entities, and / or UFO activity. Learn more is a website that provides a wide variety of resources for people who are enthusiastic and passionate about being positive and healthy — recipes, reviews, health and wellness tips as well as helpful videos. Learn more

Rudolf Steiner Foundation Social Finance 

Rudolf Steiner Foundation Social Finance is a pioneering non-profit financial services organization dedicated to transforming the way the world works with money. Learn more


Rxisk is the first free, independent website where patients, doctors, and pharmacists can research prescription drugs and easily report a drug side effect — identifying problems and possible solutions earlier than is currently happening. Learn more

Safe Harbor

Safe Harbor is a resource offering information and referrals for non-drug approaches to nurture recovery and non-drug lifestyles for those with mental health issues. Safe Harbor became an affiliate of IMHU in 2017. Learn more

Shades of Awakening

Shades of Awakening is a Facebook page which will soon have a website.  It encourages dialogue in the international community about issues related to spiritual emergence and emergency. Learn more

Sophia University

Sophia University is a dynamic learning community dedicated to academic excellence that fosters multiple ways of knowing while embracing diverse paths of spiritual practice and development. Learn more

Spiritual Emergence Network

Spiritual Emergence Network of USA (SEN) is the original support service created to refer those in spiritual crisis to appropriate helpers. It began in 1980 and continues today.

Spiritist Medical Association

Spiritist Medical Association educates healthcare professionals in practices that are spiritual in nature for use as a complement to conventional medicine. Learn more

Spiritual Competency Academy

Siritual Competency Academy provides access to online resources that enhance the cultural sensitivity of mental health professionals. Spirituality is now accepted as an important component of cultural competence for mental health professionals. Learn more

Spiritual Awakenings International

Spiritual Awakenings International is a not for profit, Canadian organization dedicated to education and networking to forward spiritual awakening worldwide. Learn more

Treatment Centers with Overnight Accommodations

With a very cautious use of psychiatric medications.

Inner Fire

Inner Fire seeks deep and lasting healing through an intensive program that first stabilizes a person in crisis, gradually replaces medication with holistic healing practices, addresses the core issues precipitating pain, and then develops skills for growing beyond these issues and becoming an enthusiastic and vital member of their community.  Located in rural Vermont. Learn more


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8 Clough Avenue
Windsor, VT 05089 USA

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