What is Spiritual Emergence vs Emergency?

Spiritual emergence is a process of positive change involving spiritually-transformative experiences. A gradual deepening of insight and understanding happens over time with little or no disruption to everyday life and increasing peace and joy.


A spiritual emergency is a crisis within spiritual awakening in which someone becomes distressed and disoriented as a result of spiritually-transformative experiences.


Both involve very new perceptions of reality.

To learn more, watch our free 15 minute video

What is Spiritual Emergence vs Emergency?

Spiritual emergence is a process of positive change involving spiritually-transformative experiences. A gradual deepening of insight and understanding happens over time with little or no disruption to everyday life and increasing peace and joy.


A spiritual emergency is a crisis within spiritual awakening in which someone becomes distressed and disoriented as a result of spiritually-transformative experiences.


Both involve very new perceptions of reality.

To learn more, watch our free 15 minute video

  • Are you having spiritually-transformative experiences and want to find people of like mind to speak to?
  • Are you interested in being part of a group that is integrating spiritually-transformative experiences?
  • Do you have lived-experience with the process of awakening and want to be of support to others?

Spiritual support

IMHU specializes in helping people understand the process of awakening and overcoming the crises that can arise in that transformative process. The awakening process leads to greater peace and happiness when managed appropriately — and we teach those skills. We understand that some of the spiritually-transformative experiences you might have can be disorienting, even confusing. So, we offer support groups and we train people to lead those support groups, too!

Spiritual support

IMHU specializes in helping people understand the process of awakening and overcoming the crises that can arise in that transformative process. The awakening process leads to greater peace and happiness when managed appropriately — and we teach those skills. We understand that some of the spiritually-transformative experiences you might have can be disorienting, even confusing. So, we offer support groups and we train people to lead those support groups, too!

IMHU’s presentations to help you better understand the process of Spiritual Emergence and feel at peace with the changes that come with it

The process of awakening

Most of us never learned much about the process of awakening when we were young. We might have learned that those kinds of experiences meant someone was “out of touch with reality”. So, it can be challenging to have spiritually-transformative experiences. Some people even isolate themselves, fearing they might be going crazy.  Our presentations will help you feel more at peace with the experiences you are having and connect you up with others who are also having such transformative experiences.

Psychedelics & plant based medicines

Learn more about what outcomes are possible and who is best suited for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Learn what kind of support people need to integrate the profound experiences they might have and how to reduce harm.

international directory of Spiritual Emergence Coaches®

Some Coaches offer support groups either online or onsite. These groups support sharing experiences and resources to help with integration. Connect with people who won’t judge you as “crazy” — but will listen deeply with compassion and empathy. Being part of such a group, facilitated by a trained peer specialist, can be the most important step you take to making meaning of your experiences. You can also find practitioners who offer 1:1 private consultations.

become a Spiritual Emergence Coach®

Would you like to create a safe space for a small group as they are integrating? This involves taking an online course at IMHU followed by a live weekend workshop.  You will obtain both knowledge and skills to effectively support someone integrating spiritually-transformative experiences. You will also be trained to facilitate a support group either online or in person.


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8 Clough Avenue
Windsor, VT 05089 USA

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