
  1. Maria J. Wolf says:

    Of course we have to put some trust in Yogananda! He is not just “an enlightened man.” He is the latest (and the last) Avatar to walk upon the face of the Earth. The last? Yes, because in the Piscean Age, now drawing to a close, we had spiritual leaders and the Bible or other scriptures to choose the path to enlightenment for us. But now, in the emerging Age of Aquarius – the age of spiritual adulthood – we have reached a level where the use of the inner vision is accessible to many men and women. It is not restricted to the enlightened – the avatars. More and more we are able to listen to the inner voice. No biblical scenario will be played out for us; no spiritual leader will symbolize the meaning of this era. There is no stronger proof that the Age of Aquarius has already dawned than the proliferation of the Internet, affording people the world over an access to information they could never have obtained otherwise. It is no accident that this new era coincides with what has been coined by the scholarly and the research community as the emerging Information Age. (From: “Discovering Your Soul’s Mission,” by Linda Brady and Evan St. Lifer – Three Rivers Press, New York).

    As for Paramahansa Yogananda, his book titled “Autobiography of a Yogi” well describes his outstanding life and mission, and is a treasure trove of spiritual jewels.

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