Comments (4)

  1. Ahmad Darafshdar says:

    The article of “Mysticism and Psychosis” is very useful in having better understanding of mystics.

  2. Chaplain James Litkett says:

    This is a perfect example of what I believe as a person thinkers so they are if you fixate & focus to deeply you can be consumered,any thing done to excess will not be good !

  3. Mark Jones says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful article. I have experienced bipolar since the start of 2018 and have had a number of what I believed to be psychotic experiences. This article helps to confirm that what I experienced was magical and real. It seems so much nicer to now understand that I have had mystical experiences. Coming out of these back to ‘normality’ (whatever that is) has left me low and sometimes (in the early days) severely depressed and suicidal. If I was able to understand what I know from reading this article, then I feel my response post-event would be much more positive. Would love to discuss with you.

  4. Ms.M says:

    My son is in the middle of a psychosis with religious features. He goes to church everyday, practices confession, communion, fasts, have altars in his apartment. He prays thousands of prayers every day. He was a successful real estate broker, making good money., A year ago, he stopped working full time, and now barely works for being “worshipping God”, and because he says this world is too materialistic. He doesn’t use heating, or A/C, he offers his sacrifices to God, he’s now a bitter man, hateful, extremist, he’s my only child and he stopped visiting me, contacting me because I don’t go to churches. He’s almost 40. I think he’s psychotic, and there is no way for me to help him. Priests are helping him get worse. He already made priests beneficiaries of his properties when he passes away. I’m very worried about my son, but what can I do? I have tried everything to convince him to look for help, to no avail. In my opinion many of so called mystics are people with serious mental problems.

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