Spiritual Psychology of Indigenous Peoples
This 7 min video gives voice to the wisdom of a Native American elder, Floyd Red Crow Westerman. He speaks to the changes going on now on our earth. He says we are in a time of evolution…that it is positive.
The vid is also a call to honor our profound connection to the water, the air, the trees, and all living beings. When we live in gratitude, honoring how nature supports us, we make decisions that lead to a sustainable life on earth. When we maintain a sustainable life on earth with clean air, potable water, an abundance of trees and wildlife, we have wellness. This is a kind of spiritual psychology, a way that supports wellbeing. The foundation is gratitude and honoring.
This Thanksgiving, as we express gratitude for our families and our loving connections, let’s also express Thanks for Mother Earth and the abundance of life support she offers. Let’s also honor the gifts of indigenous peoples who taught us how to live in harmony with Earth.
(The vid is part of a larger film created by a Scandinavian Film crew. I could not find the original track from which it was excerpted.)
Floyd Westerman, also known as Kanghi Duta, i.e. “Red Crow” in Lakota (August 17, 1936 – December 13, 2007), was born on a reservation for the Sioux Indians in South Dakota, USA. After attending a mandatory boarding school separating him from his family and culture, he was a Sioux musician, political activist, and actor. After 2 years in the US military and then establishing a career as a singer, later in his life, he became a leading actor depicting Native Americans in American films and television. He also worked as a political activist for Native American causes.
Author Bio: Emma Bragdon, PhD is the Exec Director of IMHU.org
Further Explorations: If you are interested to know more about spiritual psychology, consider the online courses at IMHU.org. Click here. Sample courses:
*How Shamanism Can Benefit Health
*Integrative Mental Health: What is it?
*10 Reasons to Add Spirituality to Mental Healthcare and Why