Dear Friends of IMHU,
After just creating five new courses for IMHU.org, I will be taking a Sabbatical leave from IMHU starting December, 2019-beginning of May, 2020. It has been about 7 years since I founded/directed IMHU and it’s time to recharge my batteries…a wise idea.
During my Sabbatical the IMHU team will be taking over most of what I have been doing. I will continue to answer some emails—though not as quickly as usual. While I am away our unique webinar series “How to Effectively Support Someone in Spiritual Emergency” has been discounted $97usd and is now available as a recording. The Practicums that qualify a student to be certified as a Spiritual Emergence Coach® will continue, LIVE.
Manu Dutra will be overseeing IMHU. He is an IMHU Board Member, a Brazilian deeply involved with translations of original Spiritist works, and a businessman.
Joshua Beil will be managing our newsletter, blog, and social media. Josh has had life experience with spiritual emergency and is passionate about bringing knowledge of this kind of experience to those trying to understand and manage it.
Marikka Malm will continue doing great things managing our Instagram account.
Please take a look at five new courses just posted in our catalogue—short presentations to encourage improvements in mental healthcare:
- The New Psychiatry: Moving Beyond Psychiatric Medications
- Risks in Taking Psychiatric Medications
- Natural Relief from Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
- Nurturing Resilience in Kids & Teens
- New Models for Residential Treatment and Collaborative Care
Please consider making a contribution for the ongoing work of IMHU by clicking HERE. This allows us to create more exciting presentations to help improve mental healthcare internationally.
Wishing you all a richly satisfying holiday season and start to 2020,
Emma Bragdon
Executive Director, IMHU.org