Pam Gregory (above) has a dedicated following of thousands and, in this short 15 min vid, she offers a way for each one of us to connect and provide our energies in charting a course
Choosing Evolution Paul Levy is an author, creator, long-term meditator, and consultant. About 40 years ago he underwent a dramatic spiritual crisis, during which he was taken to be mentally ill and hospitalized. He
Emergence Phenomena: Opening the Dialogue The experiences individuals have as a result of “spiritual emergence” are many and simple categories often miss the subtle differences that are important to acknowledge. Especially if someone is a
Meditation: Signs of Progress The true signs of progress in meditation are the following: An increasing peacefulness during meditation. A conscious inner experience of calmness in meditation metamorphosing into increasing bliss. A deepening of one’s
Spiritual Bypassing Defined The term, spiritual bypassing, was made popular in the 1980’s by the late John Welwood, PhD, a Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist who observed the phenomenon in his own spiritual community. Sometimes life
Spiritual Emergency and Meditation Sickness The term, “Meditation Sickness”, was not just made up. It’s a translation from words in ancient Buddhist texts. It refers to psychological and physical problems that may arise during
A seventeen-year landmark study finds that group meditation decreases US national stress World Journal of Social Science published a study showing that group practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi techniques by ?1% of a population
Group Meditation Believe it or not, there are studies that prove the existence of a ripple effect of peace in the surrounding environment when a group meditates together. According to the unified field superstring theory in physics, waves of
Global Good News continues to awaken the world to all that is good. It’s time we tune into the increasing level of awakening in our world today. To get your fill of uplifting global
Hello my name is Olivia. I am a recent graduate of Northeastern University and I struggle with anxiety and depression. [I want to tell you what works for me to feel better. Maybe it can